
We are pleased to announce that "Kaztechavtomatika" LLP has signed 2 contracts for sale of intelligent systems of rational energy consumption management on the basis of SMART technology. Total amount of contracts concluded is 32.4 million tenge.
Thanks to the support of the World Bank and the Science Committee MoES RK, within the scope of grant funds a start-up company "Kaztechavtomatika" LLP was created for implementation of the project "Intelligent system of rational energy consumtpion management based on SMART technology."
The proposed system solves the problem of energy saving, enables an address management of energy consumers remotely in mode of SMART-network mode, and also to control of each illumination device with a feedback. The developed solution allows to scale up the system considerably and adapt to management of any loads that will allow to enter new markets in the future.
It should be noted that this system is fully Kazakhstani solution and protected by intellectual property rights.
Advantages of the proposed system:
Economic effect – reduction of electricity consumption reaches 60%, depending on specific operating conditions. Maintenance costs are significantly reduced.
Currently it is the only domestic development in SMART-lighting and has only foreign analogues.

Deputy Director of the PMU of the Fostering Productive Innovation Project Zhanat Baitenov commented on the President's Message for the BNews Agency.
In his message to the people of Kazakhstan, the Head of State sets the pace and motivates citizens to develop so that our republic enters the 30 developed countries, said Zhanat Baitenov, Deputy Director of PMU of the Fostering Productive Innovation Project.
"Industrial revolution is the transition from manual labor to machine labor, from manufacture to factory, which was observed in the world leading states in the 18th and 19centuries. Looking back, I remember how, being as student I studied the history of industrial revolutions. I remember how interesting it was to listen to lectures about the leading countries, about various breakthroughs in the economy, such as the steam engine, electric telegraph, etc.," said Zhanat Baitenov.
Commenting on the Address of the Head of State, in particular, the item "New opportunities for development under the conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution," the speaker singled out the following six points: Industrialization should become a flagship of introducing new technologies; further development of resource potential; "smart technologies" are a chance for a breakthrough in development of the agro-industrial complex; introduction of modern technologies in construction and municipal sector; "reset" the financial sector; human capital is the basis of modernization.
"These six items I cut out of the context of the entire Address as very important points indicating that Kazakhstan is an integral part of the global ecosystem as a whole. In today's realities it is important to keep pace with time. On the World Bank's Project I supervise the issues related to technology commercialization and strengthening of coordination of the National Innovation System. The amount of work is incredibly large, the project itself is very complex. But it gives a certain tone. The Head of State sets the pace and motivates us to develop, so that Kazakhstan can enter the 30 developed countries. The Plan of the Nation "100 concrete steps," "Kazakhstan-2050" Strategy , the Third Modernization of Kazakhstan launched last year, Industrialization Program is being implemented, and a comprehensive program "Digital Kazakhstan" has been adopted. We already have everything we need, now we have to work hard to develop our state, "said Zhanat Baitenov.

Murat Sartbayev, Deputy Director of the Project Management Unit of the Fostering Productive Innovation Project, considers it necessary to increase the number of graduates of universities trained in information technologies, work with artificial intelligence and "large data," reports.
With this approach, according to Murat Sartbayev, we can achieve the tasks set by the Head of State in his Address to the people of Kazakhstan. Mr.Sartbayev believes that it is necessary to develop university science with a priority on research in metallurgy, oil and gas chemistry, agro-industrial complex, bio- and IT-technologies.
"It is required to carry out a phased transition to English of applied scientific research. Universities need to actively implement joint projects with leading foreign universities and research centers, large enterprises and TNCs," says the Deputy Director of the Fostering Productive Innovation Project.
According to Murat Sartbayev, co-financing from the private sector should become an obligatory requirement for all applied research and development.
"We need to build a system policy to support our young scientists with allocation of quotas within the framework of scientific grants. It's time for education to be treated as a separate branch of the economy with its investment projects and export potential," he concluded.

For Kazakhstan development of scientific potential is an important factor in maintaining the pace of economic growth, so increasing attention is paid to training talented youth, interacting with leading scientific centers of the world and transferring technology to Kazakhstani production. Practice shows that not all ready-made solutions can work with maximum efficiency in our country - many technologies need to be adapted to Kazakhstani conditions.
To solve all these problems, with the participation of the World Bank, the Fostering Productive Innovation Project was developed aimed at promoting relevant and nationally significant research and commercializing technologies. The Project has many objectives: training of Kazakhstani scientists, awarding grants for creation of a branch of high-tech industries and attracting investors to domestic science.
In Kazakhstan there are scientists, inventors who understand how to rationalize the production cycle, increase the efficiency of resources, create a useful and popular product.
But, we, Kazakhstanis, do not know about them.
We also have obsolete production facilities with rather low productivity, an excellent raw material base and a priority for investment projects.
Unfortunately, you can not just bring the technology and wait that it will work absolutely similar to the results that showed in other countries, with other conditions. Efficiency will be lower with a high level of expectations, so we need our people that are able to calculate the "correction for wind."
To find such people and their inventions, to be a mediator between business and science, to adapt the desired technologies is the task of one of the directions of the Fostering Productive Innovation Project, which is called the Innovation Observatory.
What is the difference between an Innovation Observatory and other programs? The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan has developed specific strategies and implemented reforms based on international best practice.
In addition, innovation and economic development are the main components of medium- and long-term programs. But in some issues there is a duplication of tasks for different state bodies.
Identification of such factors, the strengthening of the relationship between science and business, the maximum simplification of bureaucratic procedures for the commercialization of technologies, and will be engaged in the Innovation Observatory.
The plans are to collect and provide information on available funding programs and support participation in scientific research centers and universities in the country.
As a result of the study of international innovation practices in countries such as Australia, Chile, China, Norway, the Russian Federation and the European Union, many solutions have been found that are suitable for Kazakhstan in transforming the scientific and technological potential.
If the recommendations on systemic changes are supported by the Ministry of Education and Science, the Innovation Observatory will become the leading scientific and practical platform of Kazakhstan and will provide the necessary energy for development of individual industries and sectors in general.

Starting from 2016, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan jointly with the World Bank, implements the Fostering Productive Innovation Project aimed at creating conditions for market selection of technological start-ups and attracting private business for participation in them.
The Project offers grants to various scientific groups.
Selection of works applying for grant programs is conducted by the best international specialists, collected by the World Bank and the Ministry of Education and Science to the Science and Commercialization Board (ISCB). All ISCB members have international experience in commercialization of scientific technologies.
ISCB member Dr. Thomas Cellucci, a recognized expert in practical commercialization of new and emerging technologies, and the first chief commercialization officer in executive bodies of the US Federal Government during the administration of Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, spoke about the work of the Board and criteria for selecting projects.
Dr. Thomas, the first question: What is your opinion on scientific projects of Kazakhstan?
- I can say that I am impressed by the growing quality of incoming applications. And I, and other members of the Board, note the qualitative changes in the projects being presented: they are getting better and more interesting. We are very satisfied.
What areas are represented by submitted applications?
- Many projects on agriculture, mining, oil and gas. They look better composed, more balanced and close to the conditions that we aspire to.
What projects did you find most interesting this year? Can you tell us more about them?
- I do not think that it will be right now to single out individual projects, after all, significant work has been done on all applications submitted for selection. And even for those who did not become a winner. There were good ideas, but subsequent commercialization of projects is extremely important to us. I was impressed by the fact that more and more applications include cooperation with organizations outside of Kazakhstan. In my opinion, it is wonderful to develop cooperation with scientists and businessmen outside the local market. Partnership can be different and one must understand the importance of cooperation in the context of globalization.
How carefully is the selection of scientific projects applying for grants?
- We critically review projects, ask clarifying questions, ask for details on the stages, realizing responsibility to the Kazakhstani society.
We do not take premature decisions and approach the choice, carefully analyzing and listening to each member of our team to be sure of correctness of the conclusion on perspective
It is important that Kazakhstani people understand and take into account the fact that it is their money that is used to finance technological and innovative start-ups.
What is the specific benefit for Kazakhstan in financing the Fostering Productive Innovation Project?
- This is a complex solution, which is difficult to measure by one criterion. In Kazakhstan they seek to commercialize ideas in order to bring them to the international market. The last group of applications impressed me the most, because I see that the implementation of these projects can bring Kazakhstan a great economic benefit.
How is the innovation of a project determined? Is the recognition of scientific and technical development by the world community monitored?
- Kazakhstan is a young state, but behaves like an older country, more mature, in a good sense of the word. Kazakhstan is already focused on commercialization of scientific technologies, and this is commendable. In the United States, there is a lot of controversy about whether America today still remains the leader in commercialization of technology. My opinion: Asia is the leader in this field. Yes, they can take American ideas, but it is in their countries that they turn ideas into real products.
What can you say about the development of scientific research and scientific and technical thought in Kazakhstan?
- There are three steps from the scientific idea to the real product: invention, innovation and commercialization. I admire Kazakhstan, its people and scientists who is aware of the importance of these three steps for the development of economy.
President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev said this many times, I was honored to be with him at several meetings, he understands the importance of investments in science and commercialization of technologies very well, which causes my admiration. The real driver of the economy of a modern country can be science and commercialization of its technologies. Science can come up with various interesting things, but they acquire real value only when they help a person solve problems or improve the quality of life.