
The results of the joint project of the Government of Kazakhstan and the World Bank "Fostering Productive Innovation" for 2018 were summed up in Astana.
The Fostering Productive Innovation Project is implemented within the framework of the Agreement of the Government of Kazakhstan and the World Bank dated March 1, 2016, and is designed until 2020. The project includes five components. The main objective of the project is to create infrastructure and support high-quality, nationally relevant research for the country, as well as the effective use of global knowledge and practices to consolidate commercialization cycle, which will help to increase the innovative potential of our country.
Component "Innovation Base for Knowledge" provides grants for senior scientist and junior researcher groups.
As explained by Murat Sartbayev, Director of the Project Management Unit, 901 applications were received for this grant program. At the moment, 40 projects are under implementation, one project has been successfully completed.
"We demand from projects to create production and launch the first sales. Seventeen projects out of 41 reached the first sales, the sales amount is over 200 million tenge. To date, nine license agreements have been signed, two of them have already received the first income in the amount of about 5 and 15 million tenge", - said Mr. Sartbayev.
According to him, today 18 applications have applied for a national patent, 4 for Eurasian patent, and an international PCT application has been applied.
The component "Innovation consortia" of the Fostering Productive Innovation Project works in two directions: Productive Sector Consortia and Inclusive Innovation Consortia. On productive sector consortia, three projects have been selected and implemented since 2017. At the same time, the average amount of co-financing from the business side was 48%. In 2018 three more projects were selected. The average amount of co-financing from business was 38%.
Implementation of inclusive innovation program began in October 2018.
"Inclusive innovations are any innovations that help to improve the quality of life of population and have a stable commercial potential. These innovations can be implemented in different areas, such as health, agriculture, education, etc. The call for applications ended on December 14, about 95 applications were received. Received applications are now being reviewed. In 2019 the International Commission will select the winners of this program," senior Manager of Component 2 Darkhan Seitkazin.
Also in 2017, within competitive selection, 10 technology commercialization offices (TCO) at universities were selected and received grants for training scientists and TCO staff in English, basics of commercialization, training in academic writing and search for international grants abroad.

On December 22 and 24, 2018, seminars on topics “Main areas of work in social networks and the Internet. Personal Brand” and “Communications of state and quasi-state projects” for employees of the Science Committee MES RK and Project Management Unit.
Seminars were conducted by invited trainers Y. Fedorov and A. Zhaldinov
First day of the seminar was dedicated to tools and techniques used in social networks and Internet to create and promote a personal brand, including application of new methods, discussion of examples of Internet official sites and pages in social networks of state organizations and personal pages.
On the second day, methods used in the construction of communications in state and quasi-state projects were described and demonstrated, in particular, mechanisms of work in building anti-crisis communications, legal framework of PR activities was analyzed in detail.
Upon completion, all participants received certificates of completion of the seminars.
More than 30 people participated in the seminars, where they learned basic skills on various technologies to improve personal efficiency, time management, communication skills, leadership, effective presentation, etc.
During four days, participants of the seminar under the guidance of a certified business coach, business development consultant, MBA Kaysar Makan learned not only theory but had some practical activities.
- I really liked that we spent a lot of time on team issues, how teams are formed and how they work. The most important result for me is that we got to meet and communicate with people whom we met just four days ago, - said the grantee Temirkhan Zhanabergenov.
The seminar was attended not only by grantees, but also by representatives of the World Bank, International Science and Commercialization Board, etc.
- This training is different and memorable. I learned some new staff for myself. There are many mistakes that need to be corrected, prioritized, work according to the rules that we learned, - shared his impressions grantee Azamat Rakhimbekov.
The seminar participants noted professionalism of the invited coach, friendly atmosphere, interesting activities and useful knowledge. After the seminar, participants received certificates.

As part of the awareness-raising work on Inclusive Innovation Grant Program, from 09 to 27 November 2018 on-site seminars were held on explaining the grant program in Karaganda, Almaty, Turkestan, Shymkent, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Pavlodar, Uralsk, Aktobe and Petropavlovsk.
Representatives of scientific organizations, universities, commercial and non-profit organizations were invited to the seminars. In addition, the seminars were attended by representatives of regional akimats, departments of health, entrepreneurship, employment coordination and social programs.
During the seminars the grant program was presented, requirements to the participants of the competition were explained, and answers to the questions were given.
Nov 14-15th, on-site seminars were held in Almaty on the basis of K. Satpayev KazNRTU, Almaty Management University and Impact Hub space.
Nov 16th, the seminar was held at the A. Yassaui International Kazakh-Turkish University.
Nov 17th the seminar was held on the basis of M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University.
Nov 19th the seminar was held at the D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan State Technical University.
Nov 20th the seminar was held on the basis of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.
Nov 22nd 2018, the seminar was held at M. Utemisov West Kazakhstan state University.
Nov 23rd 2018, the seminar was held on the basis of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Aktobe region.

As part of the Project implementation, from 11 to 13 November in Astana and from 14 to 17 November in Almaty together with ISCB members the on-site monitoring of subprojects selected under the SSJRG and PSC grant programs was conducted.
During the monitoring in Astana PMU jointly with brokers and ISCB members heard 20 sub-projects.
November 14-17th in Almaty the monitoring of 22 sub-projects was held.
In addition, field monitoring was carried out during these days where ISCB members together with PMU staff and technology brokers visited the production facilities of three sub-projects.
During the monitoring sub-project groups demonstrated the results achieved under the implementation plan.
ISCB members carefully reviewed the results of subprojects and on 17th of November held a final meeting on the monitoring held. ISCB gave specific recommendations to sub-project teams.