
On April 8, at the South Kazakhstan National University named after M. Auezov and the International Kazakh-Turkish University, specialists of PMU for the Fostering Productive Innovation Project held a seminar on clarifying the project tools, details on applying for PhD Research and Training Grant Program. PMU consultants answered questions of employees and scientists. In general, the meeting discussed conditions of the grant program, what are the differences and advantages.
The main purpose of this grant program is to obtain competitive research on an international scale for further implementation in the "real" economic sectors of Kazakhstan. It should be noted that the goal is not to send to study abroad. The challenge facing us is to get competitive research. Our program focuses on the research component. Therefore, participants must be either doctoral students who have completed the 1st year of doctoral studies or researchers who have received a degree in the last 5 years in technical, medical and natural sciences.
This program is a pilot and is aimed at studying the demand for such grants and analyzing the quality of research of our young scientists. Round 1 of the grant program showed that the world's leading research centers in USA, Singapore, Germany, Australia, Holland, etc., included in the top-100 QSRankingbysubject (ranking of Universities worldwide by industry, this condition is a mandatory requirement of GP) are ready to accept our scientists.
PhD Research and Training Grant Program allows to solve the problem of "brain drain" abroad and provides promising young researchers an opportunity to conduct qualitative research on the basis of the best research centers in the world, as well as contributes to establishment of new relationships with scientists from around the world. Within the framework of this program, a Kazakhstani scientist has the opportunity to conduct joint research with the best ones in their field and work under their leadership.
It is expected that scientists who have gained experience of joint research abroad, will subsequently significantly improve the quality of research conducted in Kazakhstan, as well as contribute to establishment of new scientific ties with global scientific community.
We need to get a "pool" of competitive research on an international scale for further implementation in the "real" sectors of the economy of Kazakhstan. One of the main requirements for our grantees is to develop a business plan or commercialization strategy that will help them to find an investor, receive funding from the state or go into business on their own.
In addition, the application procedure is simplified with a minimum package of documents, which is submitted electronically through the Portal. Selection is conducted by the Board of international experts in the field of innovation and science, who can objectively assess prospects of commercialization of applicants R&Ds. In international practice, commercialization of scientific research is usually understood as a share of profit from introduction of R&Ds in production or business, work on patenting and profit from the sale of licenses for these patents. Commercialization of scientific research is of great importance today, so are universities as places where new knowledge and innovations are created. The role of the state here is no less important, and many countries allocate a significant part of their budgets to support scientists. Thus, a peculiarity of this program is that during the internship candidates are required to file for patenting (PCT) of the invention, which will allow in the future to find possible commercialization of the invention.

Regional conference "School of the 21st century: INNOVATIVE METHODS AND TRADITIONAL APPROACHES to management" was held on March 29, 2019, where the Head of the subproject of Grant Program for senior scientist and junior researcher groups "Unified information system for career guidance, analysis and forecasting the needs of professions" also participated. The conference was attended by employees of scientific research organizations and more than 50 directors and representatives of secondary schools of the East Kazakhstan region. The event was opened by the rector of S. Amanzholov EKSU, Tolegen M. A.
Subproject leader presented the method of psychodiagnosis of 5-11 grade students and the method of re-profiling of adult beneficiaries of the project.
Developed, tested methods of psychodiagnostics were integrated with the information system to provide interpretation and construction of personal development path of user in the form of a "Career compass".
As part of the event, results of the mathematical forecast for the demand for the labor market in the East Kazakhstan region were presented, which once again confirmed the importance of career guidance in order to attract attention to the profession of "Teacher" in the region. At the same time, there was a decrease in the trend of the labor market in professions related to agriculture.
In addition, functional information system of career guidance was presented career guidance and features of its work through the Internet.
Presentation aroused great interest on the part of teachers in order to conduct effective career guidance and use of digital tools in educational activities of schools of East Kazakhstan region. Of particular interest was the launch of the project "Find yourself" in Kazakhstan within the framework of the Year of Youth aimed at career guiding of young Kazakhstanis and help young citizens to find their vocation.

15.03.2019 in Almaty, St. Pozharsky, 1 (Satpayev str. at corner of Baitursynov str., "Grand Aiser Hotel", 2nd floor, conference hall "Tole bi" a seminar was held on the topic: "Vacuum thermal insulation panels - an innovative solution for the market of Kazakhstan", dedicated to the opening of a new production line of promising and innovative product – "VACUUM THERMAL INSULATION PANEL". The seminar was organized by the LLP "SAVENEGRY" - a start-up company established in the framework of Fostering Productive Innovation Project supported by the World Bank and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The aim of the seminar is presentation of innovative vacuum insulation panels – products of LLP "SAVENERGY" within Fostering Productive Innovation Project, supported by the World Bank and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The seminar was attended by 60 people representing construction companies, design organizations, Akimat of Almaty, NCE "Atameken" in Almaty. Seminar organizers discussed the prospects of products, demonstrated product samples and its unique advantages, also a master class on the use of vacuum thermal insulation panels was held.
During the seminar: Director of LLP "SAVENERGY" Nurlybaev Ruslan and Project Manager Zholdasov Aidos, as well as General Manager of the commercialization office KazNTU named after K. I. Satpayev Kattabekov Arslan who told about the history of panels, its qualities, advantages and production process.
Employees of the company conducted a visual demonstration of the quality of panels, in particular resistance to fire.
Director of LLP "CeLSIM" - Central Laboratory of certification tests of building materials, Estemesov Zatkali Ayranbayevich, shared the results of testing of vacuum insulation panels in his lab.
In conclusion, representatives of Kazakhstan Association of building materials industry, Advisor to the President, Technical Director Almabayev Satbek Dzhandilovich, JSC "Kazakh research and design Institute of construction and architecture", Alpysbayev Melik Nurmuhambetovich, Executive Director of the "Union of engineering companies of the Republic of Kazakhstan" noted timeliness and relevance of the production.
Also, Akhymbekov Abylai, Executive Director of the Alliance of professionals for commercialization of technology," spoke about the work of the Alliance in this project.
The seminar ended with a discussion and answers to questions.
All participants received certificates.

In the framework of the World Bank's Fostering Productive Innovation Project, the work has begun on creating a specialized search registry of research grant programs.
A workshop was held at the Eurasian National University named after L. N. Gumilyov in cooperation with Technology Commercialization Offices.
Registry of research grant programs was launched within the framework of the World Bank’s «Fostering Productive Innovation» Project. Nowadays, the global community is laying down its own conditions for development of science as well. Kazakhstan need to introduce the practice of attracting external funding to stimulate researches of scientific organizations and scientists themselves. This will accelerate the process of integration of Kazakhstani R&Ds into global innovation and scientific ecosystem and facilitate international reach for scientific developments.
A pilot version will be launched on the basis of website.
This tool will be subsequently expanded and transformed into a digital platform that will automatically collect data from open sources.
Technology Commercialization Offices at Universities is actively working on proper submission of applications to participate in international grant programs.
In future, on-site meetings are planned at universities in Kazakhstan as part of the promotion of this Registry.
For reference: Registry of research grant programs (hereinafter - Registry) is a list of international grants provided by various funds and institutions, and Kazakhstan's grants provided by non-governmental public organizations for entities involved in research and technical activities.

Establishing the capacity of existing Technology Transfer Offices at major Kazakh universities and enhancing their capacity through the provision of training within Component 3 - Technology Commercialization.
In December 2018, the Department of commercialization of business projects of Kazakh National Agrarian University was awarded a grant.
Currently, this project is underway.
The project will provide English language training for the university staff in priority areas of scientific and technological development. To determine the level of English language proficiency scientists have passed a special test.
The project aims to help our scientists to communicate with foreign scientists (exchange experience) on commercialization of innovation projects, improve their skills abroad, technology transfer and implement of start-up projects. To achieve these goals, the call was announced among English language training centers and LLP "iStudy" received the highest scores.
In this regard, LLP "iStudy" recently held a briefing with the teaching staff of the University. During the briefing "iStudy" LLP gave information about the teaching process (schedule, information about English teachers, manuals, methods, etc.).
According to the project, English lessons will be held according to the approved schedule.