- Published: 15 February 2019 /
- Hits: 1598 /
15.03.2019 in Almaty, St. Pozharsky, 1 (Satpayev str. at corner of Baitursynov str., "Grand Aiser Hotel", 2nd floor, conference hall "Tole bi" a seminar was held on the topic: "Vacuum thermal insulation panels - an innovative solution for the market of Kazakhstan", dedicated to the opening of a new production line of promising and innovative product – "VACUUM THERMAL INSULATION PANEL". The seminar was organized by the LLP "SAVENEGRY" - a start-up company established in the framework of Fostering Productive Innovation Project supported by the World Bank and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The aim of the seminar is presentation of innovative vacuum insulation panels – products of LLP "SAVENERGY" within Fostering Productive Innovation Project, supported by the World Bank and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The seminar was attended by 60 people representing construction companies, design organizations, Akimat of Almaty, NCE "Atameken" in Almaty. Seminar organizers discussed the prospects of products, demonstrated product samples and its unique advantages, also a master class on the use of vacuum thermal insulation panels was held.
During the seminar: Director of LLP "SAVENERGY" Nurlybaev Ruslan and Project Manager Zholdasov Aidos, as well as General Manager of the commercialization office KazNTU named after K. I. Satpayev Kattabekov Arslan who told about the history of panels, its qualities, advantages and production process.
Employees of the company conducted a visual demonstration of the quality of panels, in particular resistance to fire.
Director of LLP "CeLSIM" - Central Laboratory of certification tests of building materials, Estemesov Zatkali Ayranbayevich, shared the results of testing of vacuum insulation panels in his lab.
In conclusion, representatives of Kazakhstan Association of building materials industry, Advisor to the President, Technical Director Almabayev Satbek Dzhandilovich, JSC "Kazakh research and design Institute of construction and architecture", Alpysbayev Melik Nurmuhambetovich, Executive Director of the "Union of engineering companies of the Republic of Kazakhstan" noted timeliness and relevance of the production.
Also, Akhymbekov Abylai, Executive Director of the Alliance of professionals for commercialization of technology," spoke about the work of the Alliance in this project.
The seminar ended with a discussion and answers to questions.
All participants received certificates.