- by Super User /
- Category: Announcements /
- Published: 11 November 2016 /
- Hits: 9216 /
- 11 November 2016
List of winners selected under the SSG/JRG Grant Program
The Science Committee of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the Fostering Productive Innovation Project would like to congratulate the winners of the SSG/JRG Grant Program.
Note: The projects selected by the International Science and Commercialization Board (hereinafter - ISCB) have undergone an ecological categorization procedure under the Environmental Management Framework developed in accordance with the requirements and procedures of the World Bank.
For category "C" - no integrated environmental assessment is required.
For category "B-" - an actual Environmental Management Plan together with all licenses and Material Safety Data Sheet. In addition, Annex No. 6 to the Grant Agreement must be completed.
For category "B+" - projects can be funded if positive Environmental Impact Assessment conclusion of the authority is provided, or if they have short term environmental impacts (EIA report and/or EMPs required).
To execute the Grant Agreement please submit the following documents until November 16th 2016:
1) Certificate on the state registration of the new legal entity;
2) Notarized copies of the constituent instrument (Contract) or Charter;
3) Original bank statement on availability of the account to accumulate grant funds (grant account);
4) Original bank statement on availability of the account to accumulate co-financing funds (co-financing account). This statement should include information on the co-financing funds in the amount as specified in the preliminary/full application; co-financing funds must be provided prior to signing of Grant Agreement, unless otherwise indicated in an application;
5) A notarized copy of the contract or documents confirming the cooperation of a Grantee with the Customer of technology (if any was specified in an application);
6) Draft Grant Agreement (please see an electronic version in SSG and JRG grants).
List of winners selected under the SSG/JRG Grant Program
No |
Application No. |
Name of the sub-project |
Category |
1. |
APP-JRG-16/0475P |
Implementation of the technology of cultivation of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) and deep processing |
B- |
2. |
APP-JRG-16/0450P |
Hydrophobic sand for application in construction |
B+ |
3. |
APP-JRG-16/0936P |
CryptoCredence - electronic trading platform based on Blockchain cryptographic technology focused on provision of products authenticity and reliability of transactions in e-commerce |
C |
4. |
APP-JRG-16/0172P |
Analytical Platform PANDORA |
С |
5. |
APP-JRG-16/0173P |
Production of SAVENERGY energy-efficient vacuum insulation panels |
B- |
6. |
APP-JRG-16/0071P |
Seasonal solar thermal energy storage (SSTES) technology for space heating and sanitary hot water systems of residential neighbourhood/large buildings |
B- |
7. |
APP-SSG-16/0477P |
Production of activated carbon and kernel oil from fruit kernels |
B- |
8. |
APP-SSG-16/0555P |
Innovative biological product "Myco-Oil" for cleaning soil and water from oil and agro-microbial technology for its application |
B- |
9. |
APP-SSG-16/0288P |
Development and production of organic fertilizer from poultry manure by ecologic clean technology |
B+ |
10. |
APP-SSG-16/0397P |
The development of industrial production of therapeutic and prophylactic beverage on the basis of biologically active association of Kombucha microorganisms |
B- |
11. |
APP-SSG-16/0182P |
Technology of industrial processing licorice and cistanche in Kazakhstan |
B+ |
12. |
APP-SSG-16/0726P |
The development of the technology for the processing of poultry manure in organic bio-fertilizer with the help of new domestic biological products and their introduction into the crop science |
B+ |
13. |
APP-SSG-16/0062P |
Providing of commercial service of genotyping and confirmation of breed for the breeding chambers and farmers in Kazakhstan |
B- |
14. |
APP-SSG-16/0729P |
Production organization of a lactoferrin from dry powder of mare's and camel milk on innovative technology |
B- |
15. |
APP-SSG-16/0153P |
Creation of pilot industrial production of polyester resins for special purposes |
B+ |
16. |
APP-SSG-16/0143P |
Nanostructured anti-corrosion protective coating for equipment of oil, gas and uranium industry |
B- |
17. |
APP-SSG-16/0330P |
Automated on-line monitoring system of incoming ore flows for mining and processing plants |
B- |
18. |
APP-JRG-16/0837P |
Intelligent system of rational energy management based on SMART-Technology |
B- |
19. |
APP-JRG-16/0481P |
Automating the educational process |
C |
20. |
APP-JRG-16/0093P |
Free online service for finding and selecting medical doctors DOQ.kz |
C |
21. |
APP-SSG-16/0716P |
Improving the technology of biological preparation and purification technology of oil-contaminated soil |
B- |
22. |
APP-JRG-16/0494P |
Unified information system of vocational guidance, analysis and prediction of special needs |
C |
23. |
APP-SSG-16/0271P |
Commercialization of the technology of wool grease from washed waters |
B- |
24. |
APP-SSG-16/0752P |
AgroTech - trading platform RK products |
C |
25. |
APP-SSG-16/0384P |
Development of technology for biological treatment of sewage lake drives with active microorganisms |
B- |
26. |
APP-JRG-16/0067P |
Design and Creation of Continuously Operating Equipment for the Concentrated and Condensed Milk Production |
B- |
27. |
APP-JRG-16/0445P |
Organization of production of power generating keyboards with optical encoding |
B- |
28. |
APP-JRG-16/0205P |
Rearing of beneficial insects, mites and bumblebees for biological pest control and plant pollination to produce organic commodity in greenhouses of Kazakhstan: Commercialisation of mass rearing technology of biological control agents and pollinators |
B+ |
29. |
APP-SSG-16/0894P |
Commercialization of the first domestic biopreparation "Ak кobelek" against Lepidoptera pests |
B+ |
30. |
APP-SSG-16/0645P |
Organization of production of original fragrant antibacterial detergents based on essential oils |
B+ |
31. |
APP-SSG-16/0698P |
Commercialization of micropropagation technology of woody plants for industrial use in urban landscaping |
C |
32. |
APP-SSG-16/0316P |
Technology for manufacturing fibre from industrial waste |
B+ |
33. |
APP-SSG-16/0522P |
Rapid multiplication of the genetic potential of cows-rekordist through biotechnology |
B- |