by Super User
Категория: Announcements /
Опубликовано: 13 Март 2017 /
Просмотров: 8801 /
Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan announces a request for information within the subcomponent "Consortia of the Production Sector" of Fostering Productive Innovations Project.
The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (MOES RK) in cooperation with the World Bank is implementing the Fostering Productive Innovation Project (Project). The objective of the Project is to promote high-quality, nationally relevant research and commercialization of technologies.
The Productive Sector Consortia Grant Program is one of the two subcomponents of Component 2 of the Project. It will facilitate collaboration among scientific research institutes and design bureaus and scientific and engineering profile laboratories in Kazakhstan in respect of research and development (R&D) activities for purposes of improving productive sectors (extractive industries, manufacturing and agriculture) of the Borrower’s economy, through the provision of Productive Sector Consortia Grants.
The innovation consortia is expected to provide long term incentives for a broad range of National Innovation System (NIS) players in Kazakhstan to build and strengthen horizontal linkages, including between research institutes and industry, and contribute to the development of an advanced innovation ecosystem.